Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Plan to Fill Potholes

From the Bureau of Reclamation, Pacific Northwest Region
Potholes Reservoir Supplemental Feed Route

Draft Environmental Assessment


The Bureau of Reclamation has completed the Potholes Reservoir Supplemental Feed Route Draft Environmental Assessment. The document describes the preferred alternative, which is to release feed water from Billy Clapp Reservoir into Brook Lake and then convey it down Crab Creek to Potholes Reservoir. The supplemental feed route study also examined using the West Canal and Frenchman Hills Wasteway to convey water to Potholes.

More about the study

For years water has been fed to Potholes Reservoir through the East Low Canal of the Columbia Basin Project, but due to operational changes over the years, it has become difficult to ensure the ability to supply the entire feed to Potholes Reservoir. The use of Crab Creek as a viable alternative will ensure that Potholes Reservoir has a reliable water source.

The deadline for comments on the draft environmental assessment is May 27, 2007. Written comments can be sent to Bureau of Reclamation, Attention: Jim Blanchard, Special Projects Manager, PO Box 815, Ephrata, WA 98823-0815.

Public Meeting The Bureau of Reclamation will hold a public meeting about the draft environmental assessment on Wednesday, May 16, 2007 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., at Reclamation's Ephrata Field Office, 32 C Street in Ephrata, Washington.

The meeting facility is accessible to people with disabilities. Please contact Jim Blanchard at (509) 754-0226 if you need sign language interpretation or other auxiliary aids.